With any treatment, after care is always important. If you follow the simple steps and guidance your therapists provide you, the results of your treatment are sure to last longer and look amazing. When it comes to your lashes and brows, there’s no exception. Find out how to look after your brows and lashes in between treatments to ensure you get the best results.

Look but don’t touch!

Avoid touching the area treated for the rest of the day. Our hands have been everywhere, and whether you’ve had a brow wax or a lash lift, the dirt and oils on our fingers can spread bacteria to sensitive areas or move the lashes from their place while they’re setting. So, keep your hands to yourself and admire from afar!

Keep oil at bay

It’s not just the natural oil our skin creates you must be aware of. Oil based make-up removers and products can also affect the results of your treatment, particularly if you’ve had a tint or a lift (including Brow Sculpt). Your make-up will have been removed prior to treatment, so avoid applying any more until at least 24 hours later. For your nightly skincare routine, avoid the area entirely.

Don’t get wet

This is for Lash Lifts and Brow Sculpts specifically. After you leave your hairs are still setting in place. Getting them wet can move them out of place and disturb the results of your treatment. Advice? Don’t go swimming that day and have a shower before your treatment. Keep your lashes and brows dry for at least 24 hours and all will be well.

Stay out of the heat

Your skin is sensitive after a wax and that sensitivity can react to out-of-the-ordinary situations. Avoid sunbathing (if we’re lucky enough) saunas, steam rooms, hot showers or even getting too close when you open an oven door for 24 hours to avoid any inflammation of the area. When booking, check your diary and make sure it doesn’t coincide with that spa day and get someone else to do the cooking that night – what a great excuse to put your feet up!

Not today contact lenses

This involves some pre and post treatment planning. If you’re a contact lens wearer, don’t put them back in after treatment. Wear your glasses to your treatment or grab them before you go so you can pop them on afterwards. Your contacts mean you’re getting up close and personal with the treated area, and we want to avoid that for at least the rest of the day. You can pop them back in the next day.

Step away from the mascara and brow pencil

No make-up for 24 hours. Which shouldn’t be too much trouble because these treatments enhance the natural beauty of your lashes and brows, making them appear darker, thicker and fuller – so you don’t have to bother with make-up. Win-win!

Avoid strong products

Speaking of make-up and skincare, strong and/or perfumed products are a no-no. With sensitive skin and areas that have undergone treatment, it’s wise to avoid these products before and after treatment. Products that contain Retinol should also be avoided before a wax as they tend to thin the skin, potentially leading to tearing, redness or inflammation. After a wax your follicles are open and therefore prone to sensitivity if strong products come into play. Tinting and lifting uses professional use-only products, meaning they’re stronger than your usual products available to buy yourself. Keep it natural before and after your treatment to avoid over-exposure.

Stay moisturised

There are multiple products available to enhance the results of your treatment and keep them looking fresh and voluminous for longer. HD Brows’ tint-locking serum for your brows will help hold their colour for longer. If you’ve had the Brow Sculpt treatment, this wonder product is also a must as it prevents your brows from drying out after treatment and the brush maintains that fluffy look. Nouveau Lashes’ lash and brow conditioning serum will help your lashes grow longer, stay stronger and be healthier before, after and in between treatments.

If you have any questions or would like to book one of bijou’s lash or brow treatments, call 0118 973 1158 or email enquiries@bijou-beauty.co.uk

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