Body or facial hair is completely normal – we all have it! It’s not something to be embarrassed or ashamed about, or something anyone should point out to make you feel self-conscious. From upper lip to toes, hair can grow. Hair removal is a personal preference – you do you. Whether that’s a monthly appointment, or you embrace the hair and let it do its natural thing, it’s entirely up to you and no one, nor societal expectations, should make you feel any differently.

If you do opt for hair removal, whether it’s maintaining those beautiful brows or wanting smooth legs for the summer; waxing remains a consistent method of choice in salons. However, there are lots of different options out there. Let’s break them down and see which is best for you in our ultimate guide to hair removal.


When it comes to waxing there’s two main choices: hot wax or strip wax.

Hot wax isn’t as ‘hot’ as it sounds. Although there’s a very warm sensation, it should not burn. Hot wax is applied directly to the skin and as it cools it grips onto the hairs, which are then pulled away by your therapist. A fast and effective method, it’s a great option for intimate waxing. Relatively painless, depending on your personal pain threshold, its kinder on more sensitive areas.

Strip wax is a ‘warm’ wax which is applied to the skin and then strips of fabric are used to remove the hairs. It’s ideal for larger areas such as legs, arms and back, but also useful for brows and upper lip – you name it, strip wax can do it.

Both of these methods remove hair straight from the root, meaning the hairs grow back slower and finer. An appointment every 4-6 weeks should keep you going. There are at-home products available, but unless you’re a contortionist, it might be easy just to lie back and let your therapist do the work – it’s also less mess and less pain that way too!

Follow these top tips to take the pain out of your waxing appointment.


Sugaring or ‘sugar waxing’, consists of removing hair with a paste-like concoction of sugar, water and lemon. Although similar to waxing, it removes hair in the direction of growth. Its natural qualities can be appealing to some and it also provides a light exfoliation. Much like waxing, the hairs grow back softer and thinner.


Threading uses a strand of 100% cotton thread, which is tied together and twisted, then rolled over the hairs, plucking them from the follicle level. It sounds complicated (and probably looks complicated too) but it’s a great natural option for precision hair removal. The tinniest, thinnest hairs can be removed so it’s idea for the fine hair that’s found on the face. It can be used for larger areas, but may take a little longer than methods like waxing!


Tweezing is ideal when removing pesky hairs you don’t want with precision – even it does make your eyes water. We’ve all been there– especially if you grew up in the 90s. However, if you want thick, full eyebrows, step away from the tweezers. Your brows are perfect, but you see one hair where it shouldn’t be – so you want to tweeze it. We get it. But if you’re going to, always remove in the direction the hair is growing to avoid regrowth going in a totally different direction, and make sure you grab it securely so it comes straight out from the root, or you’ll have a little hair-coloured dot left behind and it’ll grow back very quickly!

If you want to reshape your brows, speak to a therapist about a regrowth programme. They can direct you on which to pluck if they grow back before your next appointment, and which to leave well enough alone!

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is a beauty trend that continues to rise in popularity. However, laser hair removal is classed as a medical procedure and should only be carried out by a certified professional. Laser hair removal uses light energy to target and destroy individual hair follicles to remove unwanted hairs. The light emitted turns into heat, which damages the follicles and inhibits and delays hair growth.

The downsides? Several treatments (between 2 and 6 depending on the area) are required and they come at a price. An initial investment would be necessary, and although some people won’t see regrowth for months or even years, it’s not necessarily permanent, although the hair that does grow back will be less noticeable.

At-home options

Okay sometimes you’ve got a big night coming up, or you can’t get an appointment in time for that holiday or before an event where you’re getting your legs out. We understand an at-home option is sometimes required.

However, bear in mind the common disadvantages of at-home options:


Shaving is a go-to method if you’ve got a spontaneous event and perhaps your legs are looking a bit fuzzy. A one-night wonder is as much as shaving will get you when it comes to feeling smooth and silky. By the next morning, that fuzzy feeling will be back, and what follows is itchy as anything. When you shave, you’re not removing the hair, you’re just breaking away what’s peaking through the surface. So, it’ll grow back darker and thicker because the hair will be old and coming to the end of its life cycle.


A device that uses rotating discs or mechanical tweezers (sounds fun) to grip hairs and pull them from the root. It’s more painful than shaving, but better on finer, shorter hairs. Another quick go-to when you need a last-minute solution.


Hair removal creams dissolve the hairs, rather than cutting them. Although you’re left with a smooth finish, most products tend to leave a lingering odour that’s not entirely pleasant. These creams use chemicals so if you’re prone to sensitivity, they may not be the best option for you.

From brows to back and legs to lip, we can provide the waxing appointment to suit you, including intimate waxing. Bijou offer hot wax and strip wax solutions for your preferred method of hair removal. Contact us today for an appointment.

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