Summer’s never far away, and after months of cold days, windy weather and dark nights, it’s easy to forget how hot it can get! Sunny days spring up on us quickly, so changing your skincare routine can feel like an overnight re-haul. Get prepared early and follow our top six summer skincare tips to stay glowing and protected this summer.

#1 Make water your best friend

You’re outside, soaking up the sunshine, going for a long walk – there’s nothing worse than feeling thirsty. Your skin would agree. Stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water. Not only will you physically feel better in the heat, but water benefits your skin in many ways. It maintains your skin’s natural elasticity, reducing fine lines and wrinkles for one!

#2 Stay moisturised

Hydrate from the outside too. Swap out your heavy-duty winter moisturiser for a more lightweight option. Avoiding heavy products on your skin will prevent that ‘make-up running off your face’ look, but you should still make moisturising a key part of your skincare routine. Opt for a product that has built-in SPF (factor 30 preferably). Dual protection and less time getting ready: win-win!


Did we say SPF? Well, we can’t say it loud enough. A key staple all year round, it’s most important to keep this up when the heat dials up. Protect yourself from damaging UV rays and free radicals. It’ll save your skin and maintain that youthful complexion. Don’t forget to top up! Once in the morning just isn’t enough – keep a travel-sized tube in your handbag for easy reapplication.

#4 Lighten up

A few subtle changes makes all the difference for these summer months. Firstly, check if your products are oil-based. If they are, make a switch to water-based to avoid your pores being clogged. It’s no secret, we all get a little sweaty in the sun – this excess oil teamed with heavy products will increase your chances of breakouts and blackheads. Which reminds us, if you’re not doing so already – add an exfoliation into your daily / weekly routine (depending on the product), you’ll thank us later.

#5 Choose Vitamin C for your serum

Including a serum in your skincare routine is a great move. For the summer, try a Vitamin C serum such as Dermalogica’s Biolumin-C serum. Not only does it give your skin a brightening boost, but this secret summer skincare weapon reduces hyperpigmentation, reduces fine lines and helps collagen production – a combatant for sun-damaged skin in a bottle!

#6 Be kind to your skin

Shower head with running water

Give your skin some TLC this summer. Making a few good choices goes a long way. For starters, avoid long, hot showers to prevent your skin drying out, potentially causing rashes or eczema. We know everyone loves that sun-kissed glow, but your skin isn’t a fan; stay in the shade to keep your skin happy. Finally, soothe and treat sun-damaged skin with calming products and anti-ageing heroes. Need advice on how to do this? Speak to one of our therapists who can recommend a product that’s right for you.


Want to learn more about your skin and how to take care of it this summer? Book a FREE consultation with one of your specialists. We’re always happy to talk all things skincare!

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